How to improve fertilization effect under drought conditions


The amount of fertilizer applied should not be too large. If the amount of one-time fertilization is large during drought, heavy rain will easily be washed away after drought.

Deep application of fertilizer, water and fertilizer. In the case of drought, the fertilizer is volatile if only the fertilizer is applied to the surface. If there is heavy rain after a drought, it is easy to be washed away by the rain. Therefore, the fertilizer should be applied as deep as possible, and the fertilizer should be added after the application to maintain the fertilizer efficiency.

Pay attention to the reasonable combination of fertilizers, especially potassium and boron fertilizers. Many research data show that suitable potassium can increase the ratio of root to shoot and enhance the water absorption capacity of crops. Under drought conditions, the proper amount of potassium can also promote the accumulation of proline. Regulate cytoplasmic turgor and enhance drought resistance of crops. In addition, drought is easy to induce boron deficiency in crops, especially peanuts, fruit trees, rapeseed, etc. that are growing. Therefore, under drought conditions, attention should be paid to the application of potash and boron fertilizer in appropriate amounts.
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